Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Public Inquiry - Possingham Farm

Appeal by:  Hodson Developments Ltd

Description: Outline application for the development of up to 655 residential dwellings (including 30% affordable dwellings) to consider access only (excluding internal circulation routes), with all other matters reserved.

Appeal reference: APP/E2205/W/24/3345454

LPA reference: AP-90672 & 22/00571/AS

Core Document List [pdf] 278KB

Planning Inquiry Timetable (TBC)

Click on the sections below to expand them and view the documents within each core documents section.

+ Core Documents 1 - Appeal Documents

+ Core Documents 2 - Planning Application Documents

+ Core Documents 4 - Relevant Correspondence

+ Core Documents 12 - Education Documents

+ Core Documents 15 - Chilmington Green

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