Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111


Using this website

View our website tutorial videos to see how you can complete simple tasks on our website. These include making an application, making a payment, or reporting something.

Below is a list of services which can be paid for online

There are several methods of payment for paying for services offered by the council.

Please make sure that you have your credit or debit card to hand when paying online.

You will be re-directed to an external site (e-paycapita.com). This is our secure payment bureau hosted by Access Paysuite, who are certified by Visa and MasterCard.

Remember, genuine emails from us will always advise you to go through to www.ashford.gov.uk and will not include direct links to payment pages. If you are in any doubt as to the validity of an email or phone call from Ashford Borough Council, please contact us.

Popular Payments

A-Z of other payments


Pay burial fees, purchase grave plots and more

Fixed Penalty Notices

Pay fixed penalty notice for Fly-tipping dog fouling and littering

Pay fixed penalty notice (PSPO - Public Space Protection order)

Garden recycling

Sign up for the garden recycling service (new customers)


Pay your leaseholder, house or garage account

Pay for rechargeable works

HMO Licence Payment Form

UK Entry Home Office Inspection Form


Including, but not limited to, building control fees, housing bonds and premises licences.

Pay an invoice.

Memorial Services

Pay for a memorial bench.

Pay to recast a memorial plaque.


Buy a parking permit

Buy a parking season ticket

Planning and building control

Submit a planning application with fees

Pre-application advice and additional charges

Statutory contribution - S106 agreements

Self-build application fee

Building control payments

Pay an invoice