Planning Inquiry - Chilmington Green S106B Appeal

Update as of 24/02/2025: Following the postponement of the Inquiry last week due to the Planning Inspector’s illness, the Planning Inspectorate have advised that the Planning Inspector is still unwell and the Inquiry will not be able to recommence this week (w/c 24 February) as was hoped. All parties are now working with the Planning Inspectorate on potential dates to recommence the Inquiry and an update will be provided as soon as possible.

Appeal by: Hodson Developments

Appeal reference: AP-90718 and AP-90647

LPA reference: 90718 & 90647

Core Document List [ods] 10KB

Public Register link: Appeal: AP-90718 and Appeal: AP-90647

Inquiry stream: Due to unforeseen circumstances the inquiry has been postponed for the rest of this week. 

Click on the sections below to expand them and view the documents within each core documents section.

+ Core Documents 1 - Documents Submitted with Appeal

+ Core Documents 2 - Documents Submitted by Appellant Post Appeal

+ Core Documents 3 - Documents Submitted by LPAs Post Appeal


+ Core Documents 4 - Ashford Borough Council Local Planning Policies Guidance (extracts where appropriate) and Regional Documents (see also CD3)

+ Core Documents 10 - Highways Documents