Planning Inquiry - East Stour Solar Farm

Appeal by: EDF Energy Renewables Limited (trading as EDF Renewables) 

Against refusal to grant full planning permission for: Installation of a solar farm with a generating capacity of up to 49.9MW comprising: ground mounted solar panels; access tracks; inverter/transformers; substation; storage, spare parts and welfare cabins; underground cables and conduits; perimeter fence; CCTV equipment; temporary construction compounds; and associated infrastructure and planting scheme.

Appeal reference: APP/E2205/W/24/3352427

LPA reference: 22/00668/AS

Core Document List [pdf] 186KB

Public Register link: AP-90705

Viewing proceedings: On Wednesday 12 February 2025, the Planning Inspector will be carrying out an arranged, accompanied site visit. Closing Submissions from both parties will be heard virtually on Thursday 13 February from 11am. For information about how you may view the closing submissions session please contact who will be able to provide a link.

Click on the sections below to expand them and view the documents within each core documents section.

+ Core Documents 1 - Application and Related Documents


+ Core Documents 2 - Consultee and Third Party Responses

+ Core Documents 3 - The Development Plan, National Policy and Other Material Considerations

+ Core Documents 4 - Landscape and Visual

+ Core Documents 6 - Planning Appeal Decisions and Court Judgements