A-Z of Waste
Waste Items beginning with 'W'
- Water filters: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey) or household waste recycling centre. Some large supermarkets have water filter disposal points
- Weeds: Garden waste bin (brown)
- Wet wipes: Baby wipes, cosmetic wipes, bathroom cleaning wipes and moist toilet tissues are not recyclable and are not flushable either even though some labels say they are. They should always be placed in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
- Window glass: Household waste recycling centre
- Wood: Household waste recycling centre
- Wrapping paper: Non-foil/shiny and glitter free wrapping paper can be placed in your recycling bin (green), please remove as much sellotape as possible and ribbons and bows. If it contains glitter, foil or is shiny then it should be placed in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
- Wrapping paper: Non-foil/shiny and glitter free wrapping paper can be placed in your recycling bin (green), please remove as much sellotape as possible and ribbons and bows. If it contains glitter, foil or is shiny then it should be placed in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
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