A-Z of Waste


Waste Items beginning with 'S'

  • Sanitary waste: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Saucepans: If in good condition they can be taken to your local charity shop. If not, household waste recycling centre
  • Sawdust: Small amounts tied up in a bag placed in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Scrap metal: Household waste recycling centre
  • Sellotape: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Shampoo bottles: Recycling bin (green), rinse to prevent contamination
  • Shoes: If still in a good condition take to your local charity shop. You can also take to a textiles bank and a household waste recycling centre
  • Single use plastics: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Soil/compost: Household waste recycling centre
  • Straws: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Styrofoam: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Sweet tins: Recycling bin (green), metal and plastic sweet tins are accepted


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