A-Z of Waste
Waste Items beginning with 'T'
- Teabags: Food caddy
- Telephone directory: Recycling bin (green)
- Televisions: If it still works, selected charity shops which accept electrical items. If it no longer works, the household waste recycling centre, or you can find where else you can recycle it local to you e.g. shops on the recycle your electricals website
- Tetrapak: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
- Textiles: If in good condition take to your local charity shop. You can also take to the household waste recycling centre or textile banks
- Tins: Recycling bin (green)
- Tissues: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
- Toasters: If it still works, selected charity shops which accept electrical items. If it no longer works, the household waste recycling centre, or you can find where else you can recycle it local to you e.g. shops, on the recycle your electricals website
- Toilet roll tubes: Recycling bin (green)
- Toothbrush: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey) or Teracycle Colgate points
- Toothpaste tubes: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey) or Teracycle Colgate points
- Tyres: Car and motorbike tyres are accepted at the household waste recycling centre at a charge of £2.50 per tyre
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