A-Z of Waste


Waste Items beginning with 'C'

  • Cans (food and drink): Recycling bin (green). Please rinse to prevent contamination. Squash cans to save space in your bin
  • Car batteries: Household waste recycling centre
  • Cardboard: Recycling bin (green). Flatten cardboard boxes to save space in your bin. Large volumes of cardboard can be taken to your local household waste recycling centre
  • Carpets: Household waste recycling centre
  • Carrier bags: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey) or at selected supermarkets
  • Cartons: Some food cartons are able to be placed in your recycling bin (green) however if it is tetrapak it needs to go in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey), flatten cartons to save space in your bin
  • Cat food: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Cat food pouches: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Cat litter: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Catalogues: Recycling bin (green)
  • CDs: Working CDs can be donated to a charity shop. Broken CDs need to either go in your general waste/non-recyclable bin (grey) or taken to your local household waste recycling centre
  • Cellophane: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Cereal boxes: Recycling bin (green). Flatten boxes to save space in your bin
  • Christmas cards: Recycling bin (green)
  • Christmas Trees: Garden bin (brown) if signed up for the service, if not you can use the Pilgrims Hospice Christmas Tree Recycling Scheme or take to your local household waste recycling centre
  • Cling film: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Clothes and textiles: If in good condition take them to your local charity shop. You can also take them to the household waste recycling centre or textile banks
  • Coat hanger: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Coffee cups: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey). The plastic lid can go in your recycling bin (green). Some coffee shops run coffee cup take back schemes for recycling
  • Coffee grounds: Food caddy or home composting
  • Computer/computer monitors: If it still works, selected charity shops that accept electrical items. If it doesn't work, household waste recycling centre or find where else you can recycle it local to you e.g. shops, using the recycle your electricals website
  • Conditioner bottle: Recycling bin (green). Please rinse to prevent contamination
  • Contact lens: General waste/non-recycling bin (grey)
  • Cooking oil: Household waste recycling centre, please don't pour cooking oil down the drain as it may cause a blockage
  • Corks: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Cotton buds: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)
  • Crisp packets: General waste/non-recyclable bin (grey)


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