Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Housing Car Parks

Housing Car Parks Consultation (Informal)

Complete our survey

Ashford Borough Council are intending to bring the enforcement of some of our housing car parks inhouse with our Civil Enforcement Officers and Parking Services team. This will replace the existing agreement currently in place. In some locations, the restrictions will be new. A full list of the locations which these restrictions are intending to be put in can be found below.

Why are you doing this?

We want to improve the parking facilities for residents (tenants and owners) by offering fairer, more consistent enforcement. This should allow residents more room to be able to park their vehicle.

It will also offer anybody who is issued a Penalty Charge Notice the chance to appeal initially to the council, but with the option of taking it to a fair, free, independent adjudicator. 

Will I need a permit?

Yes, you will need a digital permit in order to be able to park in these parking areas.

Can visitors still use the car park?

Yes, you will have the option to enable day long digital visitor permits for visitors.

The informal consultation will allow us to...

Make an informed decision on the amount of permits each property is eligible for, understand how many disabled/electric/work vehicles use the parking areas, parking habits and the cost of this service.

Where are you proposing these changes?

  • Beaver Lane
  • Belmont Place
  • Bulleid Place
  • Berry Place
  • Crownfield Road
  • Danemore
  • East Stour Court
  • Engineers Court
  • Longfield
  • Marlowe Road
  • Maunsell Place
  • Newtown Green
  • Norwood Gardens
  • Regents Place
  • Somerset House
  • Stour Heights
  • St Mildreds Close
  • Wainwright Place

What next?

Once we've compiled the results of this survey, we will decide what to do next. If we progress, a formal consultation will run allowing further comments on specific aspects of our proposal.

The Survey

We ask that all affected residents take a small amount of time to complete our survey.