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Time to shine – Ashford For You magazine has arrived

Published: 14/06/2022
Ashford For You header graphic

The summer edition of Ashford For You is now making its way to residents. It is packed full of news and information about what is happening across the borough, including an introduction to our new Mayor.

The changing face of Ashford continues with Brompton Bikes announcing their desire to set up their new headquarters here, as well as hopes for film studios on the former Newtown Works site, and expansion plans for Ashford College.

We are always looking at ways to improve the content of the magazine so we include a readers' survey to capture your views.

Our recycling targets have been reached once again thanks to residents' efforts and we focus on reducing single use plastics, parks etiquette and how to save water this summer.

We also have a bumper five page What's On guide to events happening across borough over the next few months and we showcase some new look play areas and advice on keeping safe in our town centre.

Copies of the magazine will also be available at various locations across the borough including: Ashford Gateway, Civic Centre, County Square shopping centre, Ashford Designer Outlet, Chamber of Commerce, Tenterden Town Hall and various local shops.

To view the edition online visit our website.   

The summer edition of the quarterly magazine is being distributed to every household in the borough via Royal Mail at the end of May.

The editorial team is always interested in hearing from the community with their ideas for future features so please drop us a line at media@ashford.gov.uk.