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Spring is in the air as Ashford For You magazine arrives

Published: 04/03/2022
The Spring 2022 edition of Ashford For You magazine

The Spring edition of Ashford For You is making its way to residents over the next few days. The bumper edition includes the launch of Ashford Community Lottery, which will support good causes and local charities across the borough.

The premiere of All change for Ashford, a play offering a glance at the history of the town and its railways is previewed, while Revelations St Mary’s has a packed set of events throughout March and there is news on the council’s exciting plans to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the 80th anniversary of HMS Albacore.

The borough’s green-fingered winners of our Ashford In Bloom gardening competition are in the spotlight. We also show how we are getting to grips with Climate Action, focusing on food waste and fighting back against litter louts.

We explain how we deliver services for you and how your council tax is spent, how we are ensuring an equal voice in our community and how our big-hearted borough is supporting our Afghan families.

And that’s not all – there are some fabulous prizes on offer in our competitions.

View the edition online.

The Spring edition of the quarterly magazine is being distributed to every household in the borough via Royal Mail W/c 7 March.

We also distribute copies of the magazine at various locations across the borough including: Ashford Gateway, County Square, Ashford Designer Outlet, Tenterden Town Hall and various local shops.

The editorial team is always interested in hearing from residents with their ideas for future features so please do drop us a line at media@ashford.gov.uk