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Civic Centre users asked for their views on potential relocation

Published: 09/04/2024
International House

Ashford Borough Council is looking to find out the views of regular visitors and users of the Civic Centre on a potential move to International House.

A public consultation is taking place now until 18 September, and the information will be used alongside feedback from council officers and members as well as other stakeholders, such as existing Civic Centre tenants.

Earlier this year the council announced the authority is looking at the possibility of relocating from the Civic Centre offices, as part of wider budget saving ideas. The council confirmed it is facing some significant budget challenges over the coming years.

There is a strong financial rationale for looking at moving to International House based on building and maintenance costs that will be required at the Civic Centre over the next few years and there being capacity within the council owned International House. 

A council spokesperson confirmed: “We are seeing higher vacancy levels following the pandemic, and like many other workplaces, we can take advantage of hybrid working where technology has advanced over the last few years with the ability for some staff to work from home, meaning we are now only using two floors of the building.

“A formal consultation with staff began last month and we are now talking to residents and visitors to the Civic Centre for their views on the proposals.

“Moving could contribute significant savings. Post pandemic, many organisations are working in different ways, and our building is now not as well used. It has poor insulation and costs a lot to use and maintain. There are also some parts of the building which either need serious investment or completely replacing in the coming years, which adds to the overall running costs.

“There is more work to be done on these proposals so we will endeavour to keep everyone updated, including residents, staff, members and other stakeholders as more details emerge, but for now, the message to residents is very much ‘it’s business as usual’.”

To have your say on the proposals and the other lives consultations, please visit www.ashford.gov.uk/consultations