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Business grants support update

Published: 15/10/2021
Banner reading: Business Update - Business Grants

More than 4,000 business support grants have now been paid out to businesses within Ashford borough since November. Ashford Borough Council has been supporting local businesses, processing and administering the many government grant schemes since the first national lockdown in March 2020.

The work of the Revenues and Benefits and Economic Development teams, assisted by colleagues from across the council, has helped hundreds of businesses stay afloat during these unprecedented times. The first set of payments has now been made for the latest national lockdown grants.

Any business who has already claimed a grant has been contacted directly by the teams to confirm their eligibility for the latest financial support. Once confirmation has been received that the business is still eligible and the grant is required, the teams are processing these and making payment as soon as possible.

Businesses who are eligible for grant support because they have been required to close or been significantly impacted by the closure of other businesses, but who have not yet applied should check the policies online and complete an application form. Applications for the November lockdown grant scheme close on 31 January. The government’s Wet-led Pubs Grant also closes on 31 January – pubs where less than 50% of profit comes from food may be eligible for this one-off grant which covered the Christmas period.

Cllr Gerry Clarkson, Leader of Ashford Borough Council, said: “We know that businesses are very appreciative of how quickly the grants are being processed and paid out, this funding has helped so many of our local businesses during this pandemic. If you are a business owner eligible for a grant who has not yet applied, please remember these grants do not need to be repaid.”

More information on the support available to businesses is available online.