Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Licensing Fees

Premises Licence & Club Premises Certificate

Table 1. Rateable Values and Fee Bands: Fees are linked to a business' rateable value and are banded based on this value. 
No rateable value to £4,300  A
£4,301 to £33,000  B
£33,001 to £87,000   C
£87,000 to 125,000 D
£125,001 and above E


Table 2. Fees applicable to each band under the Licensing Act 2003.
1. Apply for a new licence / certificate 
2. Apply to vary an existing licence / certificate 
A £100 £70
B £190 £180
C £315 £295
D £450 £320
E £635 £350


  1. If your premises fall into Band D and are used exclusively or primarily for the supply or sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises the fee will be double that shown in Table 2.
  2. If your premises fall into Band E and are used exclusively or primarily for the supply or sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises the fee will be three times that shown in Table 2.
  3. There is an additional charge for premises where the number of persons allowed on the premises at any one time is 5000 or more. If this applies to you please contact us on 01233 331111 for more information.
Licence Fees
Type of Licence Fee
Grant or renewal of a Personal Licence  £37.00
Notice For each Temporary Event Notice £21.00


Miscellaneous Licence Fees
Issue of a Replacement licence   £10.50
Notification of a change of name or address  £10.50
Application to vary the Designated Premises Supervisor £23.00
Application to transfer a Premises Licence   £23.00 
Issue of an Interim Authority Notice  £23.00 
Application for a Provisional Statement  £315.00 
Right of Freeholder to be notified of licensing matters in relation to their premises £21.00



No fees shall be payable for new Premises Licences or Club Premises Certificates (or to vary a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate) where the only licensable activity provided for is regulated entertainment, and the premises is or forms part of one of the following:

  • An educational institute that is a school/college. The application must be made by the proprietor of the educational establishment and the regulated entertainment must be carried out on behalf of and for the purposes of the school/college.
  • A church hall, chapel hall or other similar building.
  • A village hall, parish or community hall or other similar building.
    Premises that meet these criteria will also be exempt from the annual fee.

Please note that in the event that your application is refused you will not be refunded the application fee or any part thereof under any circumstances.

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