Other Datasets in this Section
View Ashford Borough Council's employee ethnicity pay gap statistics for the financial year up to March 2024.
View Ashford Borough Council's employee ethnicity pay gap statistics for the financial year up to March 2023.
View Ashford Borough Council's employee ethnicity pay gap statistics for the financial year up to March 2022.
This dataset shows the gender pay gap amongst Ashford Borough Council staff for the 2023-2024 financial year.
This dataset shows the gender pay gap amongst Ashford Borough Council staff for the 2022-2023 financial year.
Supplier Invoices
Quarter by quarter spend
The following data is from the council's finance system and contains details of payments to suppliers, including:
- The total amount
- Supplier name
- The service area that the expenditure is linked to
- The type of expense
- Date the invoice was paid
- Transaction number – generated by our system
Supplier invoices and credit card spend
Supplier spend | Credit card spend |
Supplier Spend April - June 24 [xlsx] 269KB | Credit Card spend April - June 24 [xlsx] 52KB |
Supplier spend | Credit card spend |
Supplier spend 2015/16 [xlsx] 1076KB | Credit card spend 2015/16 [xlsx] 174KB |
Supplier spend 2014/15 [xlsx] 1059KB | Credit card spend 2014/15 [xlsx] 144KB |
Supplier spend 2013/14 [xlsx] 801KB | Credit card spend 2013/14 [xlsx] 28KB |
Supplier spend 2012/13 [xlsx] 760KB | Credit card spend 2012/13 [xlsx] 39KB |
Supplier spend 2011/12 [xlsx] 797KB | Credit card spend 2011/12 [xlsx] 42KB |
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