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Search Results

  1. Community Right To Bid Details of how to nominate a building or land as an asset of community value to the council.
  2. ASB Case Review - formerly known as the Community Trigger Explanation of what a community trigger is, when it can be used and how to request one.
  3. Community Litter Pick Community litter pick registration and equipment loan request.
  4. Alcohol Premises Licence A premises licence authorises the use of any premises for licensable activities.
  5. Active Ashford Sporting facilities and support for sportsmen and women within the borough of Ashford.
  6. Temporary Event Notice Temporary Event Notice (TEN) - to authorise one or more licensable activities.
  7. Personal Licence A personal licence allows you to sell or supply alcohol in a venue which has a premises licence or a temporary event notice.
  8. Lifeline Anytime Find out about Ashford Lifeline, which is a 24 hour service providing an instant response at the touch of a button.
  9. Pavement Licensing Pavement licences allow food and drink for consumption businesses to put removable furniture onto the path next to their premises.
  10. Self, Custom Build Housing and Brownfield Land Register View our register of individuals looking to acquire serviced plots of land in the borough to build their own homes.