The Pre-App Process
Maximum “live” number of pre-app cases
- 10 Householder
- 10 Minor schemes
- 10 Major
A queueing system (on order of date of validation) will be in operation if the pre-app working capacity of 10 live cases per category is exceeded.
Steps 1 to 7
- Validation of pre-application request in 5 working days. ABC will require:
- Written details of the address and the proposals.
- Description of the nature and scale of the development and use of any buildings concerned.
- Site location plan with the site of the proposal clearly marked (to a recognised scale, north point, etc);
- Block plan.
- Existing and proposed sketch drawings to a recognised scale.
- Photos – labelled where appropriate (where no site visit is required).
- Depending on the scale and nature of the proposal, other relevant supporting information such as a design and access statement or access and parking arrangements.
- Contact details including phone number and email address.
- Request for fee (as required in the Table of fees).
- When there is an available space for the pre-app to progress, the applicant will receive a request for the appropriate fee. Once paid the pre-app will progress.
- Allocated to Officer:
- Pre-App cases will be distributed to the team on capacity, capability and previous involvement.
- Check the submitted pre-app for the correct details.
- Undertake a visit (if so required)
- Discussed with TL/DTL: Refer by exception to case review if required.
- Write up and pass for sign off to relevant TL/DTL: In accordance with the Pre-app timescales.
- Weekly DM review of pre-app cases.