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3. Can I convert my garage?

Planning permission may be required for works to your garage or car port if:

  • A condition attached to the original planning permission for your property requires parking/garaging/car ports to be retained.
  • There may be restrictions to your permitted development rights.

Use our Planning maps to view your address for any historic applications. Use the layers to show any planning information.

One of the key considerations in the determination of any formal planning application would be the amount of off road parking that could be provided at the site to offset the loss of the parking facilities.

Conversions of garages also require Building Regulations approval. For a quote, please email building.control@ashford.gov.uk.

Building control guidance can be found on the LABC (Local Authority Building Control) website.

Further planning guidance garage conversions can be found on the Planning Portal.

If you would like written confirmation on whether planning permission is required, you should apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed Development). Further guidance can be found in FAQ1 of this document. You can apply for a Certificate via the Planning Portal using this link.