Planning Officer
Stage 2 - Allocation
The Team Leader/Deputy Team Leader (allocating officer) will allocate cases to officers once the application is validated.
Stage 3 – Initial checks by the Case Officer[1]
The case officer on receipt of the application will undertake several checks
- The correct consultations have taken place and arrange for further consultations if required.
- Overview of the information submitted and what the application relates.
- Arrange for the relevant site notices to be displayed.
- Acknowledge receipt of any agent email and respond within 10 working days if that is deemed appropriate by the case officer.
Stage 4 - Site Inspection by the Case Officer
Assess whether a site visit is required and if required undertake the visit as early as possible
Prior to going on site and, if appropriate, the case officer will notify the agent of the date of the site visit. The case officers will also identify and confirm all relevant planning and enforcement history.
The case officer will on site: -
- Make a full assessment of the site and its context.
- Identify key planning issues.
- Confirm that Neighbour Notification and relevant site notices have been completed in accordance with established procedure.
- Confirm that no further consultations need to be issued because of site specific factors.
Stage 5 - Planning Assessment
- Discuss with the relevant Line Manager (Team Leader/ Deputy Team Leader) the likely path to a decision.
- Non-major planning applications should be determined within the statutory period. In exceptional circumstances, it may be appropriate to seek an Extension of Time in order that the application can be determined
As a result of the above the application will usually fall into one of the following:
- Proposal is acceptable – applications which can be recommended for approval.
A requirement for additional information or minor amendments (non-material in nature and not requiring re-consultation which can be delivered within the statutory determination period) arising from the officer’s assessment, consultation responses and/or representations can be made. IF appropriate the agent/applicant will then be given 5 working days to respond with the requested changes/information. If this is undertaken the scheme can progress to approval. Where appropriate, the case officer will consider the use of planning conditions. - A proposal that requires substantial amendments (not minor i.e. require re-consultation/advertising) and/ or substantial additional information to make scheme acceptable.
Applicants/agents will be informed and given up to 24 hours[2] to agree to withdraw, then the applicant can resubmit a fresh application with the required amendments. If the applicant does not agree, the application will progress to refusal (including, where appropriate, grounds of insufficient information); this will give the applicant, the opportunity to lodge an appeal against the decision. The applicant can also submit a revised application.
The grounds for refusal will be clear, precise and give a full explanation of why the proposal is unacceptable. A decision refusing planning permission based on insufficient information will clearly identify the information that is required.
- A proposal that is unacceptable in planning terms, taking account of the Development Plan and all other material considerations will be progressed to refusal. (i.e. applications where substantial amendments or substantial additional information is unlikely to lead to an acceptable outcome on a resubmission). The applicant/agent will be informed and given up to 24 hours[3] to withdraw or the application will be refused, which will allow the agent/applicant to lodge an appeal. In cases where pre-application advice has been provided to an applicant/agent but not followed in the subsequent planning application, then officers shall be expected to proceed directly to issue a refusal of permission.
Stage 6 - Professional Planning Report
The case officer will complete his/her report on the application and send to the line manager for sign off, and progress through the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, or where appropriate, through the Planning Committee (at the earliest opportunity).
Stage 7 - Sign off & Issuing the Decision
The application will be signed off by a senior officer. The agent/applicant will then be notified, and the decision and report uploaded to the website.
Stage 8 - Performance Indicator Monitoring
The Decision is issued and uploaded on the Council website.
Endeavour to determine non major applications within the statutory time framework.
The current Ashford Borough Council target is as follows:
- KPI 55 – Speed of Non- Major Decision Target is 75%
Other relevant KPI
- KPI 53 – Planning Application Approvals – 90%
Service Indicators:
- 90% of non-major applications (excluding s106 & Stodmarsh cases) to be determined in time without an Extension of Time (EoT)
[1] In consultation with enforcement if the application is retrospective
[2] If the application is retrospective the case officer will need to discuss with TL and enforcement as to whether this notification is appropriate on a case by case basis
[3] If the application is retrospective the case officer will need to discuss with TL and enforcement as to whether this notification is appropriate on a case by case basis