Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111
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Strand 4 - Give staff the tools and skills needed to carry out their jobs safely, effectively and efficiently

Council staff are equipped with work devices that are modern and reliable to help them to do their jobs with ease and efficiency. We need to continue to do this and work with employees to identify the best suited device for respective areas of work. Where possible, we will standardise these devices.

Council staff to have the ability to work from anywhere (excluding jobs which have to be completed at specific locations/sites, such as parks and open spaces), with reliable system access, sufficient bandwidth and telephony service where supplied to give a similar work experience as if in the office.

Staff can find the information they require to carry out their roles quickly and easily on the corporate intranet and other collaborative platforms. The safety of our staff is paramount to us and we will invest in technology for them to be able to work safely whether that is via trackable devices or health and safety technology that monitors the impact of specific high-risk tools and equipment.

Voice calls in the future will be made over the internet. With this in mind we will identify how this might affect our services, and invest in new technologies to ensure a continuation of service.

What we will do

  • Ensure council staff are equipped with modern and reliable work devices.
  • Ensure that council staff have the ability to work from anywhere.
  • Continue to develop the corporate intranet and other collaborative platforms so that staff can find the information they require to carry out their roles quickly and easily.
  • Continue our migration to cloud platforms, where appropriate, for productivity and collaboration tools.
  • Invest in health and safety technology to enable staff to work safely.