Amendment 17, 2024 (Zone C - Godinton Way)
Consultation Opens | Consultation Closes | Order Made |
Wednesday 18 December 2024 | Wednesday 15 January 2025 | Saturday 1 March 2025 |
The consultation process for Zone C has now finished and all comments passed to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Investment at Ashford Borough Council who subsequently decided to approve this scheme.
All residents have been notified that the permit scheme will begin on Saturday 1st March 2025. Any vehicle not displaying a permit on this date will be assumed to be a non-resident and a Penalty Charge Notice issued.
Apply for a permit
- Visit our permit portal and create a new account using the account type "Residents".
- Login and press "Permit Application".
- Select Permit Category: Residents Permits and/or Residents Visitor Vouchers (If you require both, or more than one permit, separate applications will need to be made).
- Select Start date: 01/03/2025.
- Select the number of vehicles you require on your permit (maximum of 2, only one active at a time) and enter the vehicle details.
- Continue and go to the next page.
- Review all the details, read terms and conditions and tick the acceptance box before pressing Proceed.
- You will now need to upload your supporting documents. We need one item proving your address and one item proving your proof of vehicle ownership, for each vehicle you wish to add. An example of property evidence is a council tax bill and vehicle evidence can be your V5/lease agreement. A full list is available when you get to this stage.
- Upload and continue to the next page.
- At this point you can either Save Application or Make Payment.
- To make payment, select option and proceed to the next page where it will take you to our third party payment system. Enter your card details. Once confirmed, your permit will go live (on the selected start date) and supporting evidence will be checked manually. If there are any issues with the supporting evidence we will contact you directly.
The above process is similar whether you want Residents Permits or Residents Visitor Vouchers. Residents Visitor Vouchers cost £1 per day (00:00-23:59) per vehicle. To active a Residents Visitor Voucher, please follow this guide.
Permit Reminders
- Permits are only required for areas of land deemed as public highway. You will not require an Ashford Borough Council permit if you only use private parking areas within the scheme.
- Any vehicle with more than one wheel on the public highway will require a permit, even if most of the vehicle remains on the driveway.
- A site plan showing the extent of the public highway can be found here.
- Permits cost £35 per year but are subject to annual review
- Visitor parking vouchers cost £1 but are subject to annual review
- Each property is eligible for two permits.
- Each permit can contain two vehicles, but only one is valid at any one time. You can login to your account to switch between vehicles.
- All permits are digital, we do not offer paper permits.
- The scheme runs 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Regular patrols will occur and any vehicle in contravention will receive a Penalty Charge Notice.
- Vehicles with unpaid Penalty Charge Notices will not be issued a permit until the Penalty Charge Notice has been resolved.
If you have any issues with your permit account, please email
Consultation Documents
Has Made Document Amendment 17 [pdf] 204KB