Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Report a Conviction (and similar)

Arrests, charges, bail, convictions, court cases, cautions, and penalty points involving taxi or private hire drivers

As a condition of a taxi or private hire drivers licence, it is a legal requirement that the licence holder notify the Council within 48 hours of any of the following:

a) Arrest and release.

b) Charge or conviction for any criminal offence, including but not limited to sexual, dishonesty, violence, or motoring offences (including all fixed penalty offences - such as speeding tickets).

c) Any grant of bail to the driver (conditional or unconditional) by any court or police force.

d) Any court cases pending against the driver.

e) Whether the driver has been cautioned or received any official warning from the Police.

The following form may be used by licensed drivers to submit an initial report of such matters to the Licensing team.

Report a Conviction Form

Please provide your first and last name
Please provide your email address
Please provide a contact telephone number

For convictions, fixed penalties and cautions

When did the offence take place?
What was the offence?
Where the offence happen?
E.g. SP30
What is the name of the convicting court?

For arrest/charges/bail/pending court cases/official warnings

When did the police take action?
Please describe the offence concerned.
Please name the police force, or government agency, investigating/involved.
Please type out the date(s)

Data Protection Statement

Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information collected in this form. Your information will be used to administrate reported offences involving taxis or private hire drivers. Processing is being conducted relying upon the public interest legal basis. Your data may be shared with other departments within the council for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund. We will not share your information with any third parties unless we are required or permitted to do so by law. Your information will be retained as long as you remain the holder of a taxi or private hire vehicle license, plus 6yrs.

For more information about your data protection rights please see the council’s data protection pages or contact the Data Protection Officer at, The Data Protection Officer, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford TN23 1PL.

Please tick this box to confirm you agree to the above use of your data
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