Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Housing Complaints Procedure

Raising a housing complaint

As set out within the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code our definition of what is a complaint is as follows:

An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

A complaint should be raised if you feel:

  • Dissatisfied with the service that you have received or a service request is taking too long
  • If a member of our staff, or someone working on our behalf, has treated you unfairly
  • If you have been told that you cannot have help or use a service provided

You can make a complaint in any of the following ways:

  • Completing a web based form
  • Email us at complaints@ashford.gov.uk
  • Telephone us on 01233 331111
  • Writing or visiting us at Ashford Borough Council, International House, Dover Place, Ashford Kent TN23 1HU
  • Contacting the council via their official social media channels below

Facebook logo@AshfordBoroughCouncil on Facebook

Twitter logo @AshfordCouncil on X

Instagram logo @ashfordbc on Instagram

Nextdoor logo Ashford Borough Council on Nextdoor

We will accept a complaint from you via a third party or representative if you need support to make a complaint to the Housing Service.  

Our Procedure

The Housing Ombudsman Service publishes a Complaints Handling Code which sets out how we, as a social housing landlord, should respond to complaints from our tenants and leaseholders. The Code, which is reviewed periodically by the Housing Ombudsman, has been designed to make sure we deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. 

Currently the Housing Service are handling complaints in line with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code and our new Housing Complaints Policy which was approved at Cabinet on 14 November 2024 can be viewed via the following link. View Housing Service Complaint Policy 2024 [pdf] 172KB.  

The Code of Guidance and other useful information relating to the Housing Ombudsman can be found using the following by visiting the Housing Ombudsman website.

Below is our current complaints process, which is set out into two stages:

Stage One

When a complaint is received an acknowledgment will be sent to the complainant.

Your complaint will be allocated to an appropriate colleague who will carry out the investigation and provide you with a response. As part of this stage one process they will contact you to discuss your complaint in detail, understand what the issues are and what resolution you are looking for. As per the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code we aim to provide a stage one complaint response in 10 working days. However, it may be necessary and appropriate to agree with you an extension of the target response time. This scenario would be in exceptional circumstances and only to ensure that all aspects of your complaint have been fully investigated and that the right resolution is identified and implemented. 

Stage Two

Although we aim to resolve all complaints at stage one, if you are unhappy with our initial response or feel we have not dealt with your complaint to your satisfaction, your complaint can be escalated to stage two. The stage one response and any relevant information will then be reviewed by the Assistant Director for Housing. As per the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code target a stage two response will be sent within 20 working days. Should it be necessary and appropriate to extend the complaint response time at stage two, we will contact you to discuss this and agree to extend the deadline by a further 10 working days.

Please note that if you raise a new issue at this stage, we may treat it as a new and separate complaint.

If you are still not happy with how we’ve handled your complaint through all the formal stages of our complaints process, or are unhappy with the resolution or result, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service and ask them to look into your complaint on your behalf.

The Housing Ombudsman Service looks at complaints and resolves disputes between landlords and tenants. Their service is free, independent and impartial. You can contact them at any stage for help about your complaint, but they will usually only investigate it once you have completed the two-stage formal process as set out above.

The Housing Ombudsman can be contacted by:

Post: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston, PR2 0ET. 

Telephone: 0300 111 3000

Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk

Website: www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk 

You can also contact your MP or a local councillor and ask them to contact us about your complaint or they can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service for you.

Housing Ombudsman Self Assessment

The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code sets out that social housing landlords must carry out an annual self assessment which is submitted to the Housing Ombudsman to demonstrate compliance with this code. View Ashford Borough Council Housing Complaint Self Assessment [pdf] 391KB.

Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report

We submitted our report to Cabinet in November 2024 detailing our annual performance in matters related to Housing Complaints. The following documents show our submission to the Cabinet and the Cabinet's comments on the report will be published as soon as they become available.

View November 2024 Cabinet Agenda [pdf] 128KB.

View November 2024 Cabinet Report [pdf] 431KB.

Legal proceedings

Please be advised, Ashford Borough Council does not accept service by electronic means of any legal proceedings. Should you seek to pursue a claim/commence legal proceedings/serve legal documents including Pre-action Protocol letters on Ashford Borough Council, please address your documents to ‘Mr T Mortimer, the Solicitor to the Council & Monitoring Officer’ and either by post or by hand, deliver to the council’s offices set out below:

Ashford Borough Council, International House, Dover Place, Ashford, TN23 1HU.

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