Sign Up For Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Updates

Please tell us your first name
Please tell us your last name
Please provide your house name/number, street and town/village
Please tell us your full postcode (e.g. TN23 1PL)
Please provide an email address to send updates to

Data Protection

Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information processed. Your information will be used to facilitate the home survey and any energy improvement works carried out. Processing is being conducted under a public task legal basis. Your basic contact details will be shared with an appointed contractors (E.ON and its contractors) in order to enable the works to be carried out as well as other departments within the council for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund, your information will not be shared for any marketing purposes. Any information collected will be retained on your tenancy file.

For more information about your data protection rights please see the Council’s data protection  pages which can be found  at or contact the Data Protection Officer at: The Data Protection Officer, Ashford  Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL.

By ticking this box, I approve of my data being used as explained above.