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Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund


Ashford Borough Council successfully applied for funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2 designed to decarbonise more than 700 homes and provide support against rising energy costs. The transformation of the council’s most energy-inefficient homes is now starting to go ahead after a successful application for Government funding of £5.1m.

The money from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) is more than matched by a £6.2m contribution from the council. This £11.3m investment will ensure that all homes in our social housing stock are upgraded to an EPC ‘C’ rating – that’s a total of 727 properties.

Ashford Borough Council and E.ON Green Funding Solutions have come together to deploy a ‘fabric first’ approach to deliver big improvements to the structure or shell of each building. This will provide the most cost-effective and least intrusive methods of raising the thermal efficiency of each one. And don’t forget that these improvements will not cost tenants anything!

What will the funding go towards?

The money will go towards energy saving measures which range from external wall insulation, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, solar panels, air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps and many more. We have selected properties because they have an energy efficiency rating of EPC D or below. In other words, we have chosen properties to ensure homes are warm, comfortable and contribute to energy saving. The Government states this could save residents hundreds of pounds a year on their energy bills once energy saving measures have been installed.

The council has been working in conjunction with E.ON Green Funding Solutions to help deliver energy-saving measures that will make a significant contribution to the selected homes. E.ON and the council's tenant engagement team regularly attend events for those involved in the scheme to meet with us in person.

When will the work start?

The project to improve energy efficiency in the chosen properties is starting now (January 2024). You might have seen a small site set up with a portacabin in the parking area behind Swan House on Bybrook Road, Kennington. This site will provide a base for the team from Baxter Kelly who we are working with to deliver the project in selected properties nearby. 

Free home survey

All improvements are subject to a free home survey. There may be instances when a home is not suitable for some of the upgrades but this will be confirmed by E.ON when survey results are back. Please remember that I.D should always be asked for prior to allowing contractors access to your home. You will not be expected or asked to change energy provider at any time.

What improvements are planned?

Here is the range of improvements we plan to make – which ones are installed at your home will depend on the free survey which will be carried out as part of the process:

External wall insulation – this offers a way to make homes with solid walls more thermally efficient. By insulating the external side of the wall, you can remain in the property while we complete the work.

Cavity wall insulation – the cavity is there to prevent rainwater from penetrating through the outer wall to the inside of the property. However, unfilled cavities let heat escape and could be responsible for a third of all the heat lost from your home.

Solar PV panels – we will install solar panels on the roof, producing electricity which you can use for free, or you can be paid for any electricity you don’t use.

Loft insulation – this is a barrier of material in your roof space that traps heat. We will check the level of insulation in the loft and increase its thickness if necessary.

Under floor insulation – if your ground floor is suspended, we will look to install underfloor insulation.

Plus air source heat pumps.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the scheme please contact us at SHDFtenantcontact@ashford.gov.uk.

Sign up to find out the latest

If you’d like to receive regular updates on the progress of this exciting drive to make your home more energy-efficient please sign up for updates by completing our online form.

SHDF newsletter

For the latest information about the project please download our SHDF newsletter [pdf] 1,360KB.

Face to face drop-in sessions

We are holding face to face drop-in sessions locally. This gives you the opportunity to ask any questions about these improvements, find out more about work that’s going to take place and the types of materials we’ll be using.

Wednesday 10 July - 10am - 3pm - One You Shop, Park Mall, Ashford Town Centre, TN24 8RY

Wednesday 7 August - 10am - 2pm - Singleton Village Hall, Hoxton Close, TN23 5LB

Wednesday 18 September - Time TBC - Victoria Park, Jemmett Road, TN23 4AD

Thursday 21 November - 10am - 2pm - Repton Connect Community Centre, TN23 3RX

Data Protection

Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information processed. Your information will be used to facilitate the home survey and any energy improvement works carried out. Processing is being conducted under a public task legal basis. Your basic contact details will be shared with an appointed contractors (E.ON and its contractors) in order to enable the works to be carried out as well as other departments within the council for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund, your information will not be shared for any marketing purposes. Any information collected will be retained on your tenancy file.

For more information about your data protection rights please see the Council’s data protection pages which can be found at www.ashford.gov.uk or contact the Data Protection Officer at: The Data Protection Officer, Ashford  Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ Do I need to pay anything?

No, it’s free. It’s funded by the Government through the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and Ashford Borough Council to help make your home warmer and more energy efficient.

+ Why are you asking E.ON to do this?

E.ON has been installing energy efficiency upgrades to improve people's homes for years with the aim of creating warmer and more energy efficient homes. They have a lot of experience of working with councils and local housing providers to help them provide energy efficiency measures for eligible households to help them become more energy efficient.

+ Do I need to be an E.ON or E.ON Next customer for my electricity and gas to be eligible?

No, you do not need to be an E.ON or E.ON Next customer to benefit from the scheme and you won’t be asked to join them at any point.

+ How long will it take to have the work done?

This depends on a number of factors, but we’ll discuss this with you and keep you updated throughout the installation process.

+ Do I have to get my own installer?

No, we take care of selecting the best installers within your area to install your improvements. You will only need to deal with the installers and surveyors to confirm the dates they can visit to carry out any surveys required and for the installation.

+ Is future maintenance included?

Yes aftercare is included, for example cavity wall insulation will have a guarantee for 25 years if you do have any problems in the future.