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The petition scheme

Ashford Borough Council adopted a new and improved petitions scheme on 21 October 2010. The council and its partners recognise the need to help citizens communicate their needs and concerns about issues in the local area. Petitions have a long tradition, and can be useful in suggesting levels of support for various propositions, so the council will encourage their use in appropriate circumstances, and will offer advice to interested persons as how to best make use of this scheme in order to achieve their aims.

The purpose of the scheme is to establish a clear process for petitions submitted to the council to be handled in accordance with the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009. It covers:

  • How people who live, work or study in the authority's area can organise or sign a petition and secure a statutory response
  • How specific responses can be triggered by achieving prescribed levels of signatory support
  • Who will do what
  • How petition organisers can seek a review of the council's response

Petitions may be submitted and presented to meetings of the council, the Executive and its committees (excluding the Planning Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as they have their own arrangements for consulting with the public) prior to the passing of any resolution to exclude the public.

Specific responses to petitions can be triggered by achieving prescribed levels of signatory support, namely:

  • A minimum of 50 valid signatures is required for any valid petition
  • A minimum of 750 valid signatures is required to request that a senior council officer be required to appear at any overview and scrutiny committee and give evidence on an issue for which he or she is responsible
  • A minimum of 1500 valid signatures is required for an issue to be debated at a full council meeting

Where can I find out dates of meetings?

View a list of upcoming meetings.

Alternatively, you can contact Member Services on 01233 330349, email Member Services  or write to us:

Member Services
Ashford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Tannery Lane
Kent TN23 1PL

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure which meeting your petition should be addressed to.

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