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NHS Charities Together

NHS Charities Together Logo

NHS Charities Together provides a forum for nationwide fundraising and advocacy campaigns; specialist advice and guidance; bespoke conferences and training opportunities, as well as access to online resources and support.

NHS Charities Together provides the collective voice of NHS Charities on a National scale and the impact they make.  There are more than 240 NHS charities across the UK and most of them focus on helping our hospitals do more. Collectively these charities give £1 million every day to the NHS so that people can stay well for longer and get better faster. In recent years NHS charities have funded major capital projects, pioneering research and medical equipment at our hospitals, helping patients access the best possible care when they need it most.

They also play a key role in mobilising volunteers to support NHS staff, brightening wards and waiting areas with colourful and engaging art and building an important link between our hospitals and our communities. Other NHS charities support mental health trusts, community health trusts and ambulance trusts.

Donate to NHS Charities Together.

National Care Association

National Care Association Logo

The National Care Association is the respected voice of the independent care sector, which supports individuals and their families, often at the most challenging of times. Representing small and medium sized care providers and affiliated local associations, it liaises with national government at a political and departmental level, local government and key stakeholder groups, including the NHS and CQC.

The National Care Association is well connected across the health and care sector – from members who provide care and support to working relationship with ministers and senior civil servants. It represents its members by being around the table when it matters – ensuring the voice of the care sector is heard.

On a practical level the National Care Association is an essential part of the care provider’s toolkit. Members benefit from DBS online services, business and bulk purchase discounts, legal and employment advice, as well as information, support and guidance through the regulatory and policy issues.