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Heritage Plaque Scheme Nomination Form

Introduction to the scheme

Thank you for your interest in the Ashford Borough Virtual Heritage Plaque Scheme. This scheme recognises and celebrates past Ashford Borough residents, noteworthy individuals with Ashford connections, and historically significant buildings across the Ashford Borough and within the boundaries of Ashford Borough Council’s (ABC) authority. ABC welcomes nominations for the scheme from private individuals or organisations alike, and there is no charge for making an application.

If successful, your nominee will receive a virtual plaque on our website, similar to the example below.

Virtual Plaque for Dr John Wallis (1616-1703) with his name written on a green plaque. The Ashford Borough Council crest sits above the following wording: Lived here from 1616-1625. He was a mathematician who contributed substantially to the origins of calculus.

Before you start

Before proceeding with your nomination, please read the following:

  • Please research your subject of nomination thoroughly before filling out the form, to ensure that there is a provable connection to Ashford.
  • Once researched, please check that your subject of nomination meets the following first stage selection criteria:
    • there is an original, publically accessible physical site or building associated with the nominee;
    • that the person commemorated has been dead for at least 20 years (or deceased until the centenary of their birth) to allow for a period of reflection and the benefit of hindsight;
    • there is demonstrable evidence of their stay in the Ashford Borough.

Guidance notes

Nominations are subject to thorough historical research and discussion, and may be turned down for many reasons: for example, if a subject’s connection to Ashford is felt to be insufficiently clear, or if the original building associated with an individual or event no longer exists.

Please note that even if all the first stage criteria are met, Ashford Borough Council reserves the right to determine priorities among nominations based on the following:

  • The nominee is recognised locally
  • The nominee is also recognised nationally or internationally
  • The nominee is an exceptional or outstanding person and the well-informed passer-by will recognise their name
  • The nominee is regarded as being eminent by a majority of members of their profession or calling
  • The nominee has genuinely contributed to human welfare or happiness and deserves recognition

If you have any queries or require further information, please contact the Heritage Team at heritage@ashford.gov.uk.

Your Details
What is your title?
What is your first name?
What is your surname?
What is your email address?
Please provide a contact telephone number
Please provide your address and postcode
Please provide the name of the organisation you represent, if applicable
Please provide your position within the organisation, if applicable
Nominee Details
What is the first name of your nominee?
What is the surname of your nominee?
The proposed person must be dead for at least 20 years, or deceased until the centenary of their birth, to allow for a period of reflection and the benefit of hindsight
Please give a brief account of the nominee's life and achievements. Full bibliographic research will be carried out if your nomination is eligible for acceptance
Please provide any other key honours related to your nominee that you are aware of

Selected files:

At least one address must be proposed within the Ashford borough. If your nomination is shortlisted, full research will be carried out by the ABC Heritage Team, including all buildings associated with the subject, of which the most appropriate will be selected for commemoration.
For example, was this address a residence, birthplace or place of work? Did they undertake work of particular significance whilst there? When were they connected with these properties?
Are you aware of any large-scale works at the suggested addresses since the proposed individual was associated with them?