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Your Community

About Your Community

This is the Your Community section of Ashford Borough Council’s website.

Here you can find out about how we look after our residents and businesses, discover community grants and facilities that are available and learn about the history and heritage of the borough.

Emergency Planning

Find out about the plans we have in place for a variety of emergency situations, including flooding, severe weather and power cuts. We also have information and templates for you to become more resilient as communities.

Community Safety

This section gives guidance on Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and how you can report ASB, advice and signposting to help if you are a victim of domestic abuse, and information on how we safeguard our residents and the operation of our Community Safety Partnership.

Health and Wellbeing

Discover our Health and Wellbeing Partnership and the work they do.

We are proud to have been involved with the opening of the first One You Shop in the country. The shop, based in Park Mall, was a collaborative project between Kent County Council and Ashford Borough Council. It can help residents to lead better lives by helping them to stop smoking and eat healthier.

Find out how we qualify as a Dementia Friendly organisation.


Learn about our 24-hour service which can provide a response to vulnerable residents in seconds.

Putting on an event

Thinking of running an event in the borough? Then get support and guidance from our Safety Advisory Group of what is required, and what permissions are needed – such as a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

Grants and Funding

Find out about the various grants and loans that are available for community projects.

History and Heritage

Discover the museums and heritage centres we have in the borough, find out about our borough arms and twinning and see our commemorations for the anniversaries of Remembrance Day, WWI, WWII, VE Day, VJ Day and Battle of Britain Day.

Armed Forces Covenant

Get support if you have served in the Armed Forces. Find out the work we are doing to support veterans.

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