Chief Executive

Tracey Kerly

The Chief Executive provides strong managerial leadership, motivating and inspiring the council’s staff. The role ensures that Members of the council are fully supported in their roles too. It also oversees that council policy is effectively implemented, which helps achieve strategic and corporate objectives in an efficient and economic manner.

The Chief Executive is responsible for:

  • Business planning for the council.
  • Overall management and ensuring that service delivery to the people of the borough is of the highest quality and that all the resources of the council are used in the most effective way.
  • Leading and directing the Management Team, ensuring a corporate approach to management of the council.
  • Ensuring council policies are put into action, performance is evaluated and keeping the operations of the council under review.
  • Identifying and monitoring critical issues and problems, reporting these to councillors and taking action to address them.
  • The Chief Executive is the statutory Head of Paid Service.

The Chief Executive directly line manages:

Job description 

Salary scales can be found under the salaries section.

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