Search Results
- Bethersden - Notice of Uncontested Election Bethersden - Notice of Uncontested Election for May 2023 Parish Elections.
- Bethersden Neighbourhood Plan Bethersden Parish Council are undertaking a neighbourhood plan for their Parish. Find out how the plan is progressing.
- Neighbourhood Plans Producing a neighbourhood development plan enables local communities to shape development and growth in their area.
- Parish Councils Find out information about parish councils in the borough of Ashford.
- Landscape Character Study A list of landscape character study documents.
- Assets of Community Value View assets of community value that have been applied for by members of the borough.
- Contested Parish and Town Council Elections 2 May 2019 Up to date list of contested local election results from May 2019.
- Park Homes Our fee policy and site rules for large mobile homes sites in the borough under the provisions of the Mobiles Homes Act 2013.
- Village Design Statements Village and Parish Design Statements influence the design of new development locally by identifying and analysing local character.
- Landscape Character SPD The Landscape Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) promotes regard for the landscape of the borough.