Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Search Results

  1. Pet Policy a web page for the pet policy and pet application form
  2. Dog welfare Information about changes in the law regarding microchipping. Changed title. Added in dog warden link
  3. Featured Job View a featured job working for Ashford Borough Council.
  4. Sevington Inland Border Facility Find out about the inland border facility at Sevington.
  5. Illegally Grazed Horses Advice for horse owners and the public on illegally grazed horses and who to contact.
  6. The Poppy Appeal Find out about the poppy appeal and why we wear poppies to commemorate those who gave their lives fighting for their country.
  7. Ashford Tree Trail Virtual Forest View our virtual forest of entries to the Ashford Tree Trail to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
  8. Dogs Details of the responsibilities of the dog warden service and how to report lost and found dogs and dog fouling.
  9. Flood Support Flooding and sandbags advice on what to do to protect your own home, how we can support you and what to do during an evacuation.