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Policy Statement

Ashford Borough Council will seek to ensure that all web-based content and mobile applications that it funds, develops or controls meet the requirements set out in the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (“The Regulations”). This includes making reasonable adjustments where appropriate under the Public Sector Equality Duty and the Equality Act 2010.

The Regulations require:

  • Full conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.1 Level AA
  • Digital systems (as defined under point 14) to publish an accessibility statement that explains its accessibility health and outlines workarounds for any remaining barriers.

WCAG 2.1 defines how to make Web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities

The Digital Core Group is responsible for ensuring that Ashford Borough Council complies with The Regulations. Appropriate steps to meet The Regulations, including advice and support, will be taken by Ashford Borough Council’s representative for accessibility.

The objective of this policy is to set out the principles we must all follow to comply with The Regulations and thereby ensure that information is made accessible to anyone who has a right to that information.

Ashford will comply with The Regulations and all relevant legislation. It will ensure changes to legislation are considered in a timely manner and review policy and controls accordingly.

Digital systems will be developed and managed to comply with The Regulations, addressing any technical limitations that become apparent.

Ashford will provide all necessary accessibility information regarding any of its digital systems in the form of an Accessibility Statement which meets the required standard under The Regulations on the system’s web interface.

Staff who manage contracts and procure new digital systems and services must make sure that contractors comply with their obligations under the current legislation; they must also actively manage any identified accessibility limitations until they are resolved. All contracts relating to digital systems and content must include appropriate Digital Accessibility Statements and clauses.

Staff who produce content must learn how to make content accessible and keep up to date with accessibility standards. Digital accessibility training should be a mandatory part of the induction process for all new staff who are creating content and of continuing professional development for existing staff who are creating content.

Anyone has the right to challenge the level of accessibility of our digital systems and the impact of any constraints outlined in this policy. Such challenges will be dealt with appropriately through support mechanisms also outlined in this policy.

Ashford supports the principles set out by WCAG 2.1, Levels A and AA. It maintains policies and procedures for monitoring the quality and compliance of its digital systems.

Any digital system or content that cannot be made accessible should be referred to the Digital Improvement & Web Development Officer who will act to manage the risk of non-compliance. This may be escalated to other accountable roles for accessibility compliance for example, The Digital Core Group.

Staff who manage systems must meet their obligations under the current legislation and actively manage any accessibility limitations identified until they are resolved. This includes an annual plan for auditing and updating accessibility statements.

Relationship with other existing policies

Linked to Equality Policy 2022-2024.