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Local Development Scheme

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The Local Plan timetable is currently set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), adopted in March 2023. The council is currently undertaking a review of the LDS and updating the Local Plan timescales, where required. It is anticipated that an updated LDS and Local Plan timetable will be presented to Cabinet in June (27th) and also the Full Council in July (18th) for adoption.

Subject to Members' approval, the LDS will be updated and published on our Local Plan webpages.

Local Development Scheme

The council is required to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS) which sets out the scope and project timetable for the production of all Local Plan/Development Plan documents. The LDS enables the local community to find out about planning policies for their area and sets out the timetable for the production of future Local Plan documents, giving dates for key production and public consultation stages as well as outlining the subject matter and the geographical extent.

The most recent update to the LDS was adopted in March 2023.

Local Development Scheme 2023 [pdf] 1030KB

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