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Section 106 Agreements

S106 Agreements are made under the planning acts to ensure new developments provide the required services, infrastructure and amenities to serve new and existing communities.

They are known as planning agreements or planning obligations. They are legally binding, connected to a planning permission and made between the council and developers/landowners. Where a Section 106 planning obligation is required, this will be drafted by the Council’s Legal Service. The developer’s/landowner’s solicitor must undertake to pay the Council’s legal costs, provide ownership details for all land affected, and agree the wording so that it can be signed.

What can they cover?

Normally an agreement can:

  • Restrict the development or the use of land
  • Require on site facilities - e.g. affordable housing; a new play area
  • Require off site facilities - e.g. improvements to the local highway network such as junction improvements, or off site landscaping
  • Require payments - e.g. towards the provision of sports, leisure and open space facilities by some one else or extra school places

Legal tests

The council can only seek these sorts of items if they are:

  • Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms
  • Directly related to the development
  • Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development

How are contributions spent?

The council takes great care to make sure that the money collected from agreements is spent appropriately. How it is spent is set out in our annual report on how we use the money for the benefit of the community.

Please see our Developer Contributions web page for the Infrastructure Funding Statements produced from 2019, together with the Annual Monitoring Reports produced annually from 2012.

Contributions for development in Ashford and the Rural Areas

If you want to carry out new development in Ashford Borough you may be required to enter into a S106 agreement or undertaking. The agreement or undertaking could include one or several of the items listed below. When they apply depends on the size of the site the amount or type of development and whether the site is in Ashford or its rural area.

Ashford Borough possible contributions summary

  • Adult Social Care
  • Libraries
  • Affordable Housing
  • Local Needs Housing
  • Allotments
  • Monitoring Fee
  • Carbon Off-Setting
  • Outdoor Sports Pitches
  • Cemeteries
  • Primary Schools
  • Children's and Young People's Play Space
  • Public Art
  • Community Learning
  • Secondary Schools
  • Controlled Parking Zone
  • Strategic Parks
  • Health Care
  • Town Centre Commuted Parking
  • Informal/Natural Green Space
  • Voluntary Sector
  • Junction 10A
  • Youth Services
  • Legal Costs

Why are contributions indexed?

Since the policy documents that require contributions were adopted by the council, the costs of providing things such as play equipment or laid out open spaces has changed. We use national price indices [pdf] 85KB to calculate the change in the cost over time and the undertaking must include the correct costs at the time it is signed.

For information on how Kent County Council calculate their contributions

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01233 331111