Examination Documents
This page will contain all documents which form part of the Examination Library. This is in addition to the Local Plan 2030 Evidence Base which was submitted by the Council, and will include all relevant documents, such as hearing statements from ABC and other parties, correspondence from the Inspectors, and all documentation or evidence submitted during the Examination process which is to be made public.
View the full Examination Library [pdf] 848KB.
Inspectors report on the Ashford Local Plan
On the 2nd January Ashford Borough Council received the Inspectors report on the Local Plan 2030. This brings to a close the examination and allows the council to progress the Local Plan to adoption. The Inspector's reports and the related Main Modifications can be found below:
Inspector's report Ashford Local Plan [docx] 152KB
Ashford Local Plan main modifications [docx] 1246KB
Inspectors' Documents
ID/1 - INSPECTORS GUIDANCE NOTE [pdf] 156KB (Updated 12th March*)
In the guidance note, the Inspectors request that parties use their 'representor number' on correspondence. This ID is different to the representation numbers given to your comments. The list below contains a full list of representors, with individual ID numbers assigned. The list in in alphabetical order using the full name provided to us. (This may be first name, last name or organisation name). You can use the 'find' tool under the 'edit' menu, to search for your name.
ID/3 - INSPECTORS' ISSUES AND QUESTIONS – PART 1 140KB (Updated 12th March*)
ID/5 - INSPECTORS' UPDATE (April 26th) [pdf] 31KB
ID/6 - MATTERS ARISING FROM WEEKS 3 AND 4 (May 14th) [pdf] 31KB
ID/7 - INSPECTORS' UPDATE S60 22 MAY 2018 [pdf] 25KB
* Since first publication on 21st Feb updates have been made to:
- ID/1 Guidance Note - Paragraph 19
- Issues and Questions Part 1 - ID/3 - question (i) of Issue 4, question (xiii) of Issue 10 and a minor admin change to Issue 1(i)
- Issues and Questions Part 2 - ID/4 - clarify that responses are invited only from the Council to the questions raised under Issue 12
- ID/1 Guidance Note - to allow Statement of Common Ground to be produced for Part 2 (for site related issues) up to 18th April.
ID/9 - ALP MINERALS QUESTIONS (June 2018) [pdf] 115KB
Examination Documents
ED/01 - Statement Of Common Ground between ABC and Kent Downs AONB Unit [pdf] 479KB
ED/02 - Statement Of Common Ground between ABC and Natural England [pdf] 457KB
ED/03 - Statement Of Common Ground between ABC and the Environment Agency [pdf] 386KB
ED/04 - Lichfields Report - Start to Finish - on behalf of Wates Developments [pdf] 10541KB
Following detail contained within the Statement of Common Ground above, and the Council's hearing statements (ABC/PS/01-10), all proposed and suggested changes to the Submission Version of the plan have been collated into one document entitled ED/15 (below).
ED/05 - Statement Of Common Ground between ABC and KCC Highways and Transportation [pdf] 129KB
ED/06 - Statement Of Common Ground between ABC and Highways England [pdf] 384KB
ED/07 - Response to Inspector Question - Policy SP3 Employment Land Target [pdf] 155KB
ED/08 - Junction 10a Layout [pdf] 192KB
ED/09 - Natural England - Clarity on the Habitat Regulations Assessment [pdf] 74KB
ED/10 - ABC (Simon Cole) - Opening Statement to Hearings (11th April) [pdf] 189KB
ED/11 - ABC evidence presented to Hearing Session 1 – Additional Public Engagement details relating to Kennington/Site S2.
a) The Kennington Community Forum's views on submitted sites in the Kennington area (April 2014) [pdf] 243KB
b) Kennington newsletter (December 2013) [pdf] 740KB
c) Kennington newsletter (March 2014) [pdf] 189KB
d) Portfolio of press coverage in respect of what is now site S2 in the Local Plan (February / March 2016) [pdf] 6321KB
ED/12 - Local Development Scheme July 2014 [pdf] 232KB (Sets out the then anticipated timescale for bringing forward the Regulation 19 version of the Local Plan at that time, as referred to in the context of the references made to the 2013/14 AMR in Hearing Session 1)
ED/14 J10a Repayments - phased table [pdf] 206KB
ED/15 Schedule of proposed changes to Submission Plan - Version 1 (March 2018) [pdf] 460KB
ED/16 Pound Lane Link Road Position Statement - 1st May [pdf] 63KB
ED/17 Note to Inspector on matters arising from Issue 4 hearings [pdf] 84KB
- 547-1063 Wates Development Ltd - Response to Issue 4 [pdf] 255KB
- 461 Mr James Ransley - Response to Issue 4 [pdf] 2419KB
ED/18 ABC response to Inspectors Question on NP and Strategic Policies [pdf] 167KB
ED/19_Pound Lane Position Statement - 14th May 2018 update [pdf] 192KB
ED/20_Letter from Southeastern regarding Railway Infrastructure at Leacon Road [pdf] 1478KB
ED/21 - Sustainability Appraisal for S60 - Pope House Farm [pdf] 127KB
During the 17th May (PM) hearing session, it was acknowledged by the council that the full sustainability appraisal (SA) for S60 - St. Michaels, Land at Pope House Farm (ED/21) - had been left out of the final SA document (SD02) in error. ED/21 was open for comment until 12th June 2018.
- ED/21a - Schedule of responses - S60 Pope House Farm SA consultation [pdf] 101KB
- PHF01 - Paul Buggins [pdf] 235KB
- PHF02 - Peter Court (Peter Court Associates) [pdf] 396KB
- PHF03 - Alan Bates (Tenterden and District Residents Association) [pdf] 397KB
- PHF04 - John Crawford
- PHF05 - Raymond Crawfurd [pdf] 236KB
- PHF06 - Albert Poole
- PHF07 - Samantha Reed [pdf] 234KB
- PHF08 - Richard Martin (Scott Properties) - email sent by Victoria Cutmore
- PHF09 - Judith Ashton (JAA on behalf of Wates Dev Ltd) [pdf] 311KB
ED/22 - Council response to Question 1 from ID/6 [pdf] 69KB
ED/23 - Statement of Common Ground between ABC and KCC Minerals and Waste [pdf] 382KB
The above document (ED/23) is a response by the Council to the issues of Mineral Safeguarding raised by the Inspectors in paragraph 2 of ID/6.
ED/24 - Priory Wood pitch layout, Biddenden (S43) [pdf] 210KB
ED/25 - Council response to Question 3 from ID/6 [pdf] 81KB
ED/26 - Formal request to Inspectors to recommend Main Modifications [pdf] 275KB
ED/27 Mineral Safeguarding - Ashford Local Plan Inspector's matters 0618 [pdf] 112KB
ED/28 HRA of the Local Plan 2030 [pdf] 83KB
ED/29- Response to Inspectors' post-hearings Advice Note (ID/10) [pdf] 59KB
Main Modification Documents
ABC/PS/19 - Schedule of Main Modifications [pdf] 1259KB
ABC/PS/20 - Schedule of Additional Modifications [pdf] 508KB
ABC/PS/21 - SA Addendum August 2018 (part of SD02) [pdf] 569KB
ABC/PS/23 - Settlements Matrix [pdf] 7323KB
ABC/PC/24 - Main Modifications Statement of Representations Procedure [pdf] 364KB
ABC/PC/25 - FAQ for Main Modifications Consultation [pdf] 178KB
ABC/PC/26 - Summary of Changes for Main Modifications [pdf] 2758KB
Hearing Statements
View the Local Plan and all Background Evidence Documents