Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Planning FAQs

If you have a planning query, we would encourage you to check our top 10 Planning FAQs [pdf] 1043KB.

Common queries:

Other sources of reference:

The Planning Portal is the online national resource for planning and building control. Advice on many commons projects is available on their website together with:

  • Interactive tools

Detached house image from the Planning Portal's interactive house Terraced houses image from the Planning Portal's interactive house

  • Mini-guides that provide more detailed visual clarification of the permitted development rules for specific householder development projects such as:
    • Loft conversions
    • Extensions
    • Conservatories
    • Outbuildings
    • Porches

Ultimately, if you want to be certain that the existing use of a building is lawful for planning purposes or that your proposal does not require planning permission, you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate.