Building a Community at Chilmington Green

Chilmington Green will be a place where high quality is apparent both in the build of the new homes and surrounding facilities, but also in the opportunities for local people to play an active role in creating and sustaining their community.

A Community Management Organisation (CMO) has been created which will be gifted community facilities such as play spaces, community centres, open space and much more. It will manage these facilities on behalf of Chilmington residents and play a key role in driving forward community programming and activities. 

Chilmington Green Resident's Guide [pdf] 2740KB

Community Development Strategy

In order to support the creation of this new community, a community development strategy has been created. This is being led by the council through a service agreement with the CMO, until a time when the CMO can afford to hire its own community engagement person.

The Strategy sets out a delivery framework with a description of what this community engagement role would be responsible for. It is ambitious and regards the involvement of new and existing residents as central to its success.

The original strategy was published in 2018, which is linked below. There has been a recent update on the status of this programme which received CMO Board approval in March 2021. It reflects on the challenges faced in the wake of Covid-19 and how the CMO will seek to advance the strategy going forward. 

View the updated position paper on the community development strategy [pdf] 162KB.

View the adopted version of the Community Development Strategy [pdf] 845KB.

For further information please visit the CMO website or email them at