Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111


Why seek advice?

We will provide:-

  • For all pre-application advice:
    • Written professional planning advice and guidance on your proposals (see exclusions below), for an up-front fee as set out on Planning Fees page to cover administration costs and officer time in assessing and drafting the response;
    • The opportunity to arrange follow-up advice as appropriate as your proposal evolves
    • Consistency in dealing with pre-application advice and with subsequent planning application submissions;
    • The highlighting of the most relevant NPPF guidance, Local Plan/Neighbourhood Plan Policies and any other relevant SPD or other guidance to the proposal and any previous planning history that is applicable to the proposal
  • For major strategic developments:
    • The opportunity to organise a series of regular pre-application meetings with us including through the use of Planning Performance Agreements (For major strategic developments)
    • Guidance as to whether independent design review would be expected.
    • Guidance on the opportunity for informal Member Briefing on emerging schemes to help you further understand any local issues or concerns 
    • Guidance as to whether we would expect an application subject to Environmental Impact Assessment to be independently reviewed on behalf of the Council
    • Guidance on how we would deal with any issues of development viability

Planning Performance Agreements

PPAs may be entered into with an applicant on a bespoke case-by-case basis for proposals over 250 dwellings. PPAs may or may not involve pre-application advice as well as dealing with the processing of a planning application itself.

A draft PPA may be prepared and proposed to the Council by an applicant. A PPA may cover either pre-application and application stages, or both. The Council intends to develop a standard PPA template that will be available in 2024. Any PPA will need to set out the following matters in addition to the ‘without prejudice’ principle at all stages:-

  • certainty of timescales for reaching a decision and having a specific planning committee date to work towards;
  • a project-managed application process that may include a range of professionals;
  • the opportunity to discuss changes to applications as they arise;
  • access to officers and consultees to enable constructive discussion on planning applications;
  • named officer contact, so you can discuss your application when you need to;
  • Post decision stage including conditions discharge and amendments.

Listed Building Advice

The council, regrettably, is unable to provide pre-application advice on all listed buildings (this includes paid advice) at the moment. However, where a proposal seeks planning advice which may affect a Listed Building or its setting for example, then the input of Conservation Officers may be sought where necessary and this is accounted for in the scope and costs proposed.

From 1 April 2025, bespoke Listed Building advice is available for Grade 2*/1 buildings which will be agreed at the discretion of the Assistant Director 

There is of course advice that can be sought outside of the council through Conservation Architects and Conservation Practices and we would urge you to seek such advice before applying for listed building consent or carrying out any works to your listed building.

All pre-application advice is provided without prejudice to the final decision of the Council on any planning application subsequently submitted.

Find out if a property is a listed building on our interactive map.

Kent Highways

If your proposals will affect the public highway, including grass verges, shrubs and trees, they will require the formal agreement of Kent County Council (KCC) as highway authority and you should visit KCC’s website before submitting your planning application.

Engaging with highway officers at an early stage in the design process may save you time and money by making it more likely that your proposals will be acceptable to the highway authority.

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