Planning Fees

You will have to pay a fee to apply for most types of planning permission.

Planning application fees are currently set nationally. You must pay your fee when you make your application. Your application will not be processed until we have received the correct fee although some application types are exempt from fees.

Planning Portal Fee Calculator

You can find out how much it costs to make a planning application on the Planning Portal where you can also use the Planning Portal fee calculator can help you by working out the cost of any particular planning application. 

No fee is needed for the following types of application:

  • Listed building consent
  • Conservation area consent
  • Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area

How to pay

  • Make a payment online
  • By telephone using your credit/debit card and quoting your planning application number and address for your application
  • We have currently suspended payment by cheque, for a list of alternative ways to pay please visit our methods of payment page.

Why do we pay fees?

Find out more on the government website.