The council cannot decide planning applications simply as it chooses. It is constrained by law and by precedents set in the Courts about the matters it can legitimately take into account when making its decisions.
We operate two levels of decision making when determining planning applications:
Delegated Decisions
Senior planning officers determine most applications under powers delegated to them by the council. The detail of this is set out in the council Constitution. These include matters such as:
- Minor residential or commercial applications
- Household applications
- Listed building applications
- Advertisement applications
- Applications for works to protected tree.
The decision notice will then normally be dispatched on the same day or the following day.
Planning Committee
The Planning Committee meets on a four weekly cycle. Applications considered are those...
- involving major and strategic planning matters, such as housing development and large retail schemes
- Applications that raise particularly sensitive issues
- Applications that the ward member has requested be considered by the committee
All applications are reported with a recommendation made by the Development Control Manager or Strategic Sites and Design Manager. The members of the Planning Committee can decide to make a different decision or defer the matter for more information or for a site visit. The meetings are open to applicants and members of the public have an opportunity to speak on applications being considered by that Committee.
Planning committee agendas, reports and minutes are available on the planning committee page.
You can check on progress of an application by using our Application Search. You can keep up to date with applications by our "Applications near me" service.