Consultation Portal & How to Get Involved

To register on the database, comment current consultations or view comments on previous consultations, please visit the Consultation portal.

A consultation portal has been launched which enables residents, businesses and others to have their say on all council consultations, including key planning issues and future developments in Ashford.

The online portal allows registered users to comment on Local Plan Documents when they are out at public consultation and to give us feedback about the growth of Ashford.

Key benefits of registering and making representations online include:

  • Optional updates - of new documents available for consultation
  • Ability to view other consultees' representations - once they have been made
  • Search facility - to find representations on different levels of a particular document
  • Ability to update personal details instantly - in order to change your address or email
  • Option to specify preferences - on how you would prefer to be contacted
  • Time saved - by viewing documents/representations as soon as they are available
  • Environmental benefits - of using a paperless online system