Residential Parking SPD

The Residential Parking and Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) brings together 'good practice' on the design of residential parking. It is tailored to the development scenarios likely to be faced in the differing contexts across the borough.

The council adopted the final document in October 2010 – Adopted Residential Parking & Design Guidance SPD [pdf] 5MB.

Update to standards following Local Plan Adoption

The adopted Local Plan 2030 (2019) has updated the standards set out in the SPD and revised them slightly in the 'suburban' and 'rural' areas by supporting slightly higher minimum parking standards for certain types of residential uses. This better reflects a more realistic approach considering car ownership levels.

For the avoidance of doubt, Policy TRA3 (a) in the Local Plan 2030 supersedes the standards set out in the 2010 SPD, with the key exception of the design and layout guidance contained within the SPD above, which remains valid and should be reflected in proposals coming forward.