Public Green Spaces SPD

The Public Green Spaces and Water Environment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides further detail about how national and local planning policies will be applied in protecting, improving and adding to public green spaces and the water environment throughout the borough. However, it is important to note that the starting point for assessing requirements are now included in Policies COM2, COM3 and COM4 of the adopted Local Plan 2030.

The SPD was approved by members and adopted by the council in July 2012.

Adopted Public Green Spaces and Water SPD – July 2012 [pdf] 4MB

Supporting Document to SPD: Green Space Cost Calculations 2011 – evidence base to SPD [pdf] 156KB.

Amendment to Paragraph 10.2 of the adopted SPD

10.2 In order to be able to continue to meet the cost of provision of green space and water environments, the Developers Contributions figures specified in Appendix 2, will be indexed from the third quarter of 2012 using the General Building Cost Index (or such replacement as the council may specify).

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