Fibre to the Premises SPD

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is where fibre broadband is wired directly into to the premises, rather than the local area cabinet. This often results in faster upload and download speeds than other forms of connectivity including copper cabling.

The Council considers that Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is essential infrastructure and vital to the delivery of sustainable development.

Policy EMP6 of adopted Local Plan 2030 focuses on FTTP. The policy requires qualifying development to deliver FTTP.

This FTTP SPD was produced to provide further guidance on the requirements of the policy and the FTTP Statements.

The FTTP SPD was approved at Full Council in October 2020.

Fibre to the Premises SPD [pdf] 1364KB

FTTP SPD Adoption Statement [pdf] 300KB

FTTP SPD Consultation Statement [pdf] 2567KB

2023 Update to 'Useful contacts and information table'

Section 7 - 'Useful contacts and information' of the SPD contains a table which lists some key contacts for FTTP. Since the FTTP SPD was adopted, some of these contact details have changed. The table below contains the updated details.

Please note Ashford Borough Council does not endorse the companies mentioned below and would suggest developers assess the whole market and make their own decision. Other companies are available, however, the list below are companies that are in contact with the Council or are operating in or near the Ashford borough.

Key contacts for FTTP





Virgin Media O2

0800 408 0088


0333 332 1111


0808 134 5997

BUUK Infrastructure

0135 924 0363



Lightning Fibre

01323 380 260


02921 678 550