Supplementary Planning Documents & Guidance

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) support the development plans. All matters covered in SPDs must relate to policies or proposals in the Local Plan 2030, Chilmington Green AAP or a saved policy from the Core Strategy or previous DPDs. Ashford has a number of adopted SPD's which are used as material considerations when assessing planning applications.

Affordable Housing SPD

Landscape Character SPD (includes AONB Management Plans)

Residential Parking SPD

Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) SPD

Residential Space & Layout SPD

Public Green Spaces and Water Environment SPD

Dark Skies SPD 2014

Stables, Arena's and Horse related Development SPD 2014

Fibre to the Premises SPD 2020

Village Design Statements are also informally adopted design guidance related to many rural settlements.

Supplementary planning guidance

Some of the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)  that supported the Local Plan 2000 is still available below:

SPG1 - Green Corridor Action Plan 2000 is replaced by the Green Corridor Action Plan 2017 [pdf] 11566KB.

SPG2 Development Briefs Guidance Notes 2001 [pdf] 3MB

SPG3 Developer Contributions / Planning Obligations 2001 [pdf] 9MB

SPG4 Victoria Road Development Brief [pdf] 9MB

SPG5 Education Contributions arising from Affordable Housing [pdf] 56KB

SPG6 Providing for Transport Needs Arising from South Ashford Study [pdf] 392KB


SPG7 Reuse of Agricultural Buildings [pdf] 3MB

SPG8 Stables and Riding Menage has been replaced by the Stables, Arena's and Horse Related Development SPD

SPG9 Domestic Garages and Outbuildings in urban and rural areas [pdf] 810KB

SPG10 Domestic Extensions in urban and rural areas June 2004 [pdf] 816KB