Informal Design Guidance

The council’s corporate and plan-making focus is on creating good quality homes and delivering good design through attention to all aspects of place-making. A series of Informal Guidance Notes has been produced to help ensure that applicants and designers give careful early consideration to certain areas of fine detail that are important to help achieve this objective.

The series will be added to as appropriate over time where it is considered that further guidance is necessary. The success of these Notes will be reviewed as new developments are occupied and monitored.

The notes will be taken into consideration when determining planning proposals for new homes. Proposals that are considered unsatisfactory will not be approved or recommended to the Planning Committee for approval.

Design Guidance Note 1: Residential layouts & wheeled-bins [pdf] 1MB

Design Guidance Note 1 (Appendix 1): 'At a glance' summary sheet [pdf] 506KB

Design Guidance Note 2: Screening containers at homes [pdf] 471KB

Design Guidance Note 3: Moving wheeled-bins through covered parking facilities to the collection point [pdf] 633KB

Design Guidance Note 4: Non-Mains Drainage For Local Planning Authorities and Developers [pdf] 3943KB