How to Prepare a Neighbourhood Plan

For more information about the neighbourhood planning process from designation to adoption, please view the Locality roadmap on neighbourhood planning. Locality are an organisation that advise, help fund, and provide guidance on neighbourhood planning. Their roadmap is a plain English, step-by-step guide to the process and is very useful.

The neighbourhood plan regulations were published in 2012, and can be found on the government's website. The government have also published additional information about what is neighbourhood planning.

If you are a parish council or community group considering undertaking a neighbourhood plan in your area, contact the Plan Making & Infrastructure team for some advice on the process of designation.

What help can the council provide?

The Council has created a neighbourhood planning protocol to assist local communities preparing neighbourhood plans.  The protocol explains each of the steps of the neighbourhood plan process, including the assistance the Council can provide to neighbourhood plan groups.

View the Neighbourhood Planning Protocol [pdf] 652KB

For any queries about the neighbourhood plan process or protocol, please contact the Plan Making & Infrastructure Team.