Planning for Future Gypsy & Traveller Sites
We are committed to meeting the accommodation needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community within the borough, in the same way as the housing needs of the settled community are planned for in the Local Plan.
National Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS) also requires that local planning authorities identify and update annually a five year supply of deliverable sites for Gypsy and Travellers, and to identify a supply of specific, deliverable sites, or broad locations for years 6-10 and, where possible, years 11-15.
Work on planning for future Gypsy & Traveller Sites was previously being progressed as part of a separate Gypsy & Traveller Local Plan. This work will now form part of the emerging Local Plan 2042.
How many Gypsy & Traveller pitches are needed in the borough?
A Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) is needed to fulfil the council’s obligations under the PPTS and provides a robust assessment of need and supply.
The GTAA 2025 will inform the preparation of the emerging Local Plan 2042 by providing an indication of the number of permanent pitches and plots that it should aim to plan for. In 2024, we commissioned Arc4 to carry out a GTAA on our behalf.
The survey work was conducted in 2024. The results propose a number of pitches that are needed in the borough to meet the needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community that have been calculated. View the full 2025 GTAA report.
Previous work on Gypsy & Traveller Local Plan
Stage | Progress |
July 2022 |
Progress on the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan has been delayed, as a result of the nutrient neutrality requirement affecting part of the borough. In 2020, the council received advice from Natural England (and updated in March 2022) pertaining to the deteriorating water quality in the Stodmarsh Lakes. A consequence of this advice, in light of relevant case law, is that any development proposing overnight accommodation within the Stour catchment, or discharging foul water to a wastewater treatment works in the catchment, is required to demonstrate nutrient neutrality. This requirement applies to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation. Therefore any sites that would be promoted through the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan would need to be able to demonstrate nutrient neutrality. The council is seeking to address this impediment to development, by developing strategic mitigation. Work on this strategic mitigation is still ongoing. It is considered that the strategic mitigation for nutrient neutrality will need to be sufficiently progressed to enable the council to sustainably plan across the entire borough. As a result, the council has paused word on the separate Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan and this work will now be combined into the emerging Local Plan. |
2020 |
Options consultation held in early 2020. This ‘options report' was designed to highlight the key issues around this specific topic, while suggesting options to address these issues. The format of the document was to provide some background information and then pose a series of ‘options’ as questions. |
2018 |
Issues and Options consultation held. An issues and options consultation was carried out in early 2018. The responses from the first consultation will assist the council to analyse the merits and drawbacks of all the practical options available for providing sites for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople. |