Call for Sites

The emerging Local Plan will need to identify sufficient land to meet future requirements for new homes, Gypsy and Traveller pitches, and jobs in the borough; as well as places for retail and leisure uses, and community infrastructure, and visitor and tourism facilities.

To reflect the council's ongoing commitment to create sustainable places that support the environment, health and wellbeing, and that seek to mitigate and adapt to, climate change; potential sites for new green spaces, energy generation, Biodiversity Net Gain opportunities, and wetlands for Nutrient Neutrality mitigation and/or nature based initiatives are also being sought.

The 'Call for Sites' does not determine how much new development is needed, or whether a site should be allocated in the Local Plan.  It is simply an opportunity for landowners, developers, businesses, organisation community groups, and residents to suggest sites that they would like to be considered as part of the preparation of the emerging Ashford Borough Local Plan.

Latest News

The Council have recently undertaken a Call for Sites. The Call for Sites was held between September – November 2023.

The call for sites consultation has now closed. 

What sites have been submitted in the 2023 Call for Sites?

All submissions received in response to the 2023 Call for Sites exercise are available to view on our Consultation Portal.

At this stage, this is a list of submitted sites published for information purposes only.

To date, no site assessments have been undertaken and no decisions have been made on any of the sites submitted.

Each of the sites have been assigned a HELAA reference number and also a Call for Sites response ID. 

To view the sites on our Consultation Portal you will need to search for the site submission using the response ID. 

All the response ID references and correlating HELAA reference numbers are set out in the spreadsheet attached below.

Download the spreadsheet with all HELAA references and Call for Sites response IDs [xlsx] 27KB.

View our interactive map of the site submissions.

How to make a site submission?

The Call for Sites consultation has now closed.

However, if you have a site that you wish to promote, please get in contact by emailing the Spatial Planning Team.

What happens next?

The next stage in the process will involve assessing the suitability, availability and achievability of sites for development.  This will be done through a process known as a Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA).

The work undertaken as part of the HELAA will help to inform the spatial strategy for planned growth within the borough.

View further information about the HELAA.